The third commandment forbids the irreverent and flippant use of any of God’s revelation of Himself. This command extends beyond simply not taking the Lord’s name in vain (Ex. 20:7; Lev. 19:12; Matt. 5:34-35). However, the depth of the disease of Western culture is readily seen in the flippant use of God’s name as a curse word or a cultural slang word. Where has the fear of God gone? Popular podcast hosts and political pundits invoke the name of God with little fear or reverence for Him. Or God’s name is wielded like a magic spell to invoke favor from the unknown god. Sinners by nature, do not honor God as God (Rom. 1:21).
If all sinners regularly break this command, then Christians are not excluded from profaning God’s name too. The “Jesus is my boyfriend Christianity” today mocks the holiness and transcendence of God and turns Jesus into an emotional god that bends to our will and emotions. Christians invoke the name of God for their ends and at their convenience while denying His name by their violation of His commandments. Christians claim God’s name when they want to baptize their agenda. But in all of this, there is little thought of sanctifying God’s name, submitting to God’s will, and honoring Him as the Holy One of Israel.
The casual, flippant, and empty talk of God today leads to death. God will avenge His name (Ez. 36:16-21). God will not be mocked. Jesus says that men will be judged for every idle word that escapes their lips (Matt. 12:35-37). God will not allow His name to be blasphemed. Empty words can be dressed up in breathtaking apparel. They can be adorned with all of the right kind of stuff that appeals to the outer man. But empty words that blaspheme God are hellish and hell-bound words.
The Lord poured out his wrath on Eli’s sons for profaning His name (1 Sam. 2:12, 17, 22; 3:13). The prophet Malachi condemns Israel for dishonoring the name of God (Mal. 1:6-7). Malachi 2:2, “If you will not listen, if you will not take it to heart to give honor to my name, says the LORD of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you do not lay it to heart.” No man outside of Christ will escape the judgment for breaking this command.
Will you take this command to heart, Christian? It is true that we are friends with Jesus and our communion with God has been restored through Christ. But this command reminds us that the name of God is to be sanctified and honored. How we use God’s name and speak about Him reveals far more what is in our hearts, than the doctrinal statements we say that we believe. Do you see your lack of mediation on Him, your lack of love for Him, your lack of fear of Him, and your lack of care about His will as a violation of this very commandment? To live a second for yourself and with an absent mind of God is to profane His holy name. We bear the banner of God’s name as Christians. Will we raise the banner for His honor, His rights, and His fame? Will we sanctify His name and proclaim it among the nations, or will we profane His name with empty talk and unholy living?
In Christ, Pastor John